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wiki:important_info [2013/01/07 19:10]
admin added: "Hidden tag", "Multiple header tables", changed: formatting.
wiki:important_info [2016/04/27 15:19] (current)
Line 71: Line 71:
 For more on formatting, please see the [[wiki:syntax|Syntax Page]]. For more on formatting, please see the [[wiki:syntax|Syntax Page]].
 +==== Text Alignment ====
 +Align Left: 
 +This is aligned left.
 + Align Right: 
 +This is aligned right.
 + Align Center: 
 +This is aligned center.
 + Align Justify: 
 +This text is justified.
 + If you want to align more than one paragraph at once just add a blank line at the beginning: 
 +This paragraph is right-aligned.
 +And this one is, too!
 ==== Internal Linking ==== ==== Internal Linking ====