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writing:overpowered [2013/09/26 16:47]
admin created
writing:overpowered [2016/04/27 15:19] (current)
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 Overpowered characters typically carry with them several other problematic behaviours. For example they: Overpowered characters typically carry with them several other problematic behaviours. For example they:
   - may godmod to add new powers to keep their character powerful (especially if other characters power up).   - may godmod to add new powers to keep their character powerful (especially if other characters power up).
-  - may resort to powerplaying to keep others playing how they want. +  - may resort to [[writing:powerplaying|powerplaying]] to keep others playing how they want. 
-  - may be a warning sign of Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu or self-insertion power fantasy. +  - may be a warning sign of [[writing:marysue_garystu|Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu]] or self-insertion power fantasy. 