====== Restricted Fandoms ====== These are fandoms that the authors/creators have expressly stated they do not want fanfiction (and by extension, roleplays) created of their work. ===== Flat out Denied ===== Because those works are copyrighted to them, **they are legally entitled to refuse anyone else to be able to use their works** and **they do not have to tolerate fanfiction/roleplay at all**. And given that they have expressly stated that they do not want fanfiction/roleplay made of their work people //cannot// simply put up a disclaimer stating they don't own the work nor can they credit the author/creator and expect that to be acceptable. Therefore to prevent any potential issues surrounding Terms of Service offences, roleplays based off authors/creators listed in this section are not permitted under any circumstances. * Archie Comics (This includes: Sonic the Hedgehog/Sonic X comics, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures and the Megaman Comics. ) [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archie_Comics#Lawsuits|Source]] * P.N. Elrod * Raymond Feist * Terry Goodkind * Laurell K. Hamilton * Robin Hobb / Megan Lindholm * Dennis L. McKiernan * Robin McKinley * Irene Radford * Anne Rice / Anne Rampling / A.N. Roquelaure - [[http://www.annerice.com/ReaderInteraction-MessagesToFans.html|Source]] * Nora Roberts / J.D. Robb * George R.R. Martin [[http://grrm.livejournal.com/151914.html?page=3|Source]] * Ursula K. LeGuin [[http://www.ursulakleguin.com/FAQ.html#FF|source]] * Orson Scott Card [[http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,2081784,00.html|Source]] * Diana Gabaldon [[http://www.dianagabaldon.com/misc/dianas-fan-fiction-policy/|Source]] * J.D. Salinger [[http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/06/02/salinger-sues-to-stop-catcher-in-the-rye-sequel/|Source]] * Mercedes Lackey [[http://www.mercedeslackey.com/am_writing.html|Source]] ===== Allowed under Circumstances ===== These creators allow fanfiction/roleplay under certain conditions. Those conditions will be listed beside their name. * J.K. Rowling - (Potter fan-fiction must remain PG-rated. No R or M rating. ) - [[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/3753001.stm|Source]] * Stephenie Meyer - (No real stipulations, just not really against fanfiction/roleplay.) - [[http://twifans.com/profiles/blogs/stephenie-meyer-talks-twilight|source]] * Charlie Stross - (Allowed so long as it does not affect his income. AKA... No selling.) - [[http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2010/05/faq-fanfic.html|Source]] * Anne McCaffrey - ( May not be for profit, must be properly credited and may not be pornographic. ) - [[http://pernhome.com/aim/?page_id=20|Source]] * George Lucas - (cannot be any sex and minimal swearing.) - ===== Sources ===== Lists of authors came from: * [[http://www.mediaminer.org/blog/index.php?/archives/23-AuthorsPublishers-Who-Do-Not-Allow-Fan-Fiction.html|Mediaminer]] * [[http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/68332629.html|Oh No. They didn't... (Blog)]] * [[http://writersco.heddate.com/_Fan%20Fiction%20Owner%20Bans%20%26%20Guidelines|Fanfic Owner Bans & Guidelines]] * [[http://fanlore.org/wiki/Professional_Author_Fanfic_Policies|Professional Author Fanfic policies]]