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Thor vs Goku

Thor, son of Odin the All-father, next heir to the throne of Asgard, all around badass.

Goku, son of Bardock, raised on Earth by a human after being sent to Earth an an infant to capture the world. After a bump on the head when he first arrived he forgot his mission and became more interested in martial arts.


Thor Name Goku
Mjolnir Close Range weapon Super Explosive wave
Lightning strike Medium Range Dragonfist Explosive
Fury of the Storm Long Range Kamehameha
Anti-Force Special Weapon Spirit Bomb
Actual Norse God with control over Lightning and Storms. X Factor Saiyin warrior with the legendary Super Saiyin transformation.

Judge's Analysis

Close Range - Edge to Thor. Goku's Super Explosive Wave is more of a defensive power than a true offensive one, it allows him to create an explosive energy wave that repels enemies/objects and can do some damage. Where Thor's hammer allows him to hit extremely hard (Destroying mountains, breaking all but the hardest metals), move extremely fast (up to the speed of lightning itself) and channel his other powers.

Medium Range - Edge to Goku. Goku's Dragonfist Explosion is extremely powerful, even more so than a simple lightning strike.

Long Range - Edge to Thor. Thor's Fury of the Storm is just an intense storm… Except that he can direct it and make it last as long as he wants, where ever he wants. On whichever planet he wants.

Special - Tie. Both of the user's super moves allow them to take out a planet with relative ease. There is a build up time for both of their moves though…


Thor only barely edges out Goku to win due to the fact Thor's stamina is a lot higher and he doesn't tire out nearly as easily. Neither would be given sufficient time to get off their most powerful attacks (since they often take time to build up to full power).