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Dr. Albert W. Wily

Basic Info

Basic Info
Name: Albert W. Wily
Nicknames: Dr. Wily
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: ~5'8”
Weight: ~165lbs
IQ: Over 180
DOB: Late 19th century
Birth Place:

Normal Appearance

Dr. Wily appears as an old man with large tufts of hair on either side of his head and no hair on the top. He has a bushy moustache that extends over his mouth.

He typically wears a large white lab coat opened with a light coloured dress shirt, red tie, blue jeans and brown dress shoes. He sometimes wears a belt with a skull for a buckle.


Personality: Dr. Wily was extremely intelligent. Though he was a bit of a glory hog, wanting to be centre stage recognised for everything. He also possessed a somewhat fragile ego and was easily angered when his inventions were overlooked. He is also rather cowardly and will beg for mercy after being defeated. But he is also an extremely diligent worker (creating numerous robots in a short time frame).

History: Dr. Wily began his career in robotics working with Dr. Light. Though after numerous times of being upstaged, overlooked or not given the proper credit he got sick of playing second fiddle. So he decided that he would simply take the recognition he deserved by ruling over the world. He captured some of Dr. Light's robots and converted them into his first army. But he was defeated when Dr. Light transformed his lab assistant into a powerful war machine.

Dr. Wily's and Dr. Light's creations clashed over several decades before the aging doctors, realising that their time was coming to an end, started to work on their final legacies.

Dr. Wily was working on a powerful new robot, one to destroy his rival's creation once and for all. He had it mostly finished but died before he was able to fully complete it and set it loose.

Behind the Character

Dr. Wily, while suspected of having died prior to completing Zero, has also been thought to have managed to survive by downloading a copy of his mind into another machine (later becoming the reploid named Isoc). But this is only a theory with little evidence to support it.