Table of Contents


Basic Info

Basic Info
Name: Axl
Species: Reploid - New Generation
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6”
Weight: 155lbs
IQ: 122
Birth Place: Unknown
Residence: Maverick Hunter HQ
Occupation: Maverick Hunter


Axl has a black helmet with a red raised section over his forehead (and a blue crystal in a silver fitting), he has white fins on either side of the helmet that start at his cheeks and run backwards. His brown hair juts out from his helmet in several spikes.

His chest is black with a large blue crystal in the centre (set in a silver fitting). He has an orange section just below the crystal's fitting. On his back he has two white wings that he can retract. He has a black armoured brief with two red strips on it and several small bolts lined in red.

His shoulders are black with a red stripe along the sides.

His forearms are black with a single red stripe that runs down the length of his forearm.

His shins are black with a single red strip down the front. On the outside of his legs, he has a white section (with a red stripe on the side) with jets built into them allowing him to hover for short periods of time (and dash.)

His biceps, abdomen and thighs are dark grey and his gloves are white.

Capabilities (Stats)

Intelligence: *
Skill Level:
Skill Limit:

* Intelligence was only used in Attention Rookies 2.

Weapons/Special Attacks



Former items:

Special Attacks

  1. Copy Shot - This ability allowed Axl to copy the form and abilities of other reploids. (Normally those he has defeated.)

Hypermode - Stealth

Axl only possessed the capability to use hypermode during the Giga City incident while Force Metals were in use.


When stealth is active, Axl becomes completely invisible. Rendering him unable to be seen or attacked.


Head: Generates cloaking field around himself.

Arms: Increases Strength by 3.

Body: Increases Skill Level by 3.

Legs: Sacrifices 3 Speed and 3 Agility to give 3 Strength and 3 Skill Level.

Hypermode ultimate move: None.


Personality: Axl started off rather childish (whining if bored), impetuous and somewhat reckless. He followed orders for the most part from those he looked up to (Red and then later Zero). But over time with the hunters he has matured. Though he still sometimes shows signs of his former behaviour. He's still prone to playing jokes when off duty though and joking around even when on duty.

He's also quite eager to fight and doesn't hold back when it comes time for battle.


It is unknown who created Axl, or exactly when or why. Even Axl himself struggled with these questions. During the Giga City incident he went searching there to find out clues about his origin because he heard they were doing research on New Generation Reploids there and he hoped that could lead him to whomever created him. Though that lead him no where.

Chaos Advent

Chaos Advent

Chaos Advent

Attention Rookies:Zero

Attention Rookies:Zero

Attention Rookies:Zero

Attention Rookies 1

Attention Rookies 1

Attention Rookies 1

At some unknown time, Axl was infected with a new form of virus (one even X and Zero couldn't resist) and was brought under the maverick X's control.

During Pyro Cerberus's invasion attack, Axl (in the form of X) was killed. Axl had copied X's form to allow the real X to disappear while he worked behind the scenes.

Behind the Character

Axl's themes:
X7 version | Command Mission