Table of Contents


Basic Info

Basic Info
Name: Sigma
Nicknames: -
Species: Reploid - Old Generation / Virus
Gender: Male
Height: Varies
Weight: Varies
IQ: 165
Birth Place: Dr. Cain's Lab
Residence: Former: Maverick Hunter HQ
Current: Unknown
Occupation: Former: Maverick Hunter (Leader of 17th unit)
Current: Maverick Leader



This is the body Sigma used when he fought the hunters in AR2.


First form

Skin Color: Grey.
Eye Color: Red iris.
Hair Style: is bald.
Other features: Has scars over both of his eyes which he sustained when he fought Zero many years ago… But for sentimental reasons he kept them when he could have fixed them.

Armor description: A large and bulky green chest armor, with a flowing purple cape that attaches at the shoulders with two large gold shoulder pads holding it in place. (Though he tends to discard the cape when he goes into combat…) Has a high collar surrounding his neck to prevent saber strikes from behind to his neck.

His biceps and thighs are black in color. His arms are green with gold striping down the sides, his hands are gold with a purple crystal hidden directly under his palm (Which he opens to fire his most powerful normal move.)

His boots are green with gold streaks up the side, and a large purple crystal at the knee cap.

Armor colors: Green, black, purple and gold.

Second form

His entire frame grows (until he's about 9 feet tall), Sigma now has a black main body with 2 silver hoses running from his back to where his ribcage would begin. His upper chest has thick black armor with 3 slits in between where the pectorals would be, along with a traditional yellow Maverick emblem on his left pectoral. Sigma looses the cape and opts instead for a cloak composed entirely of flames emanating from his back which flows to his waist. Unerneath the burning mass of cloak, 2 silver hoses run up to his arms.

His arms are black, rimmed with silver. His hands are silver but have 4 fearsome black knuckles extending from the back of each hand.

His legs are black and lack any silver trimming, but instead have 4 red crystals… 2 on the bottom of his boots and 2 on the back.

Sigma’s thighs, abdomen, biceps are all dark grey/silver.


Stat First form Second Form
Agility: 3 7
Speed: 3 7
Strength: 8 12
Defence: 8 12
Dexterity: 4 7
Intelligence: 6 10
Skill Level: 2 6
Skill Limit: 4 4
Constitution: 2 6
Total 40 71

Weapons and Abilities

  1. Saber (Primarily used in first form)
  2. Beam Scythe (Primarily used in second form)
Special Attacks (1st form)
  1. Heat beams – Can fire a laser blast from his eyes that catches things on fire with it’s high intensity beam
  2. Blade Wave – Fires a wave of energy off of his Saber or Scythe’s blade after a swing. The wave travels a few feet then dissipates. The distance matches the speed of the swing, so a faster swing would mean the beam would travel further.
  3. Phase Blaster – Sigma opens up his palm and reveals a crystal which launches forth a massive wave of energy. He can fire this energy like a beam and sustain the fire but it is a highly draining move… So he prefers just to use it to shoot waves of energy in short bursts.
  4. OverDrive – Sigma shoots several reflective crystals into the air, he then fires his Phaze blaster (at full power) into them, causing it to bounce around the room from crystal to crystal until either all the crystals shatter or the beam runs out of power.
Special Attacks (2nd form)
  1. Force Collider – fires a ball of energy from his hand, which on impact, explodes with tremendous force… Sigma can rapid fire this technique.
  2. Sigma Cannon – Sigma calls forth his own cannon and unleashes one of several types of shots:
    1. A beam (Sustained for 3 seconds).
    2. A simple straightforward shot (a small energy blast).
    3. A standard missile (shoots straight forward and makes a small explosion on impact).
    4. A concussion missile (on impact explodes with great shock waves).
  3. Desolation – Sigma’s flaming mantle shoots several fireballs which then rain down on the opposition.
  4. Critical Report – (Overdrive) – Sigma takes off into the sky, and extends his flaming mantle into the semblance of a phoenix, Sigma then launches said phoenix at his opponents. When phoenix slams into the ground it erupts into a furious column of hellfire. Afterwards Sigma descends from the heavens and resumes battle, slightly winded.


Personality: Before he was infected Sigma was an honourable fighter. Though he did not hesitate to strike when the situation called for it. He was very skilled at analysing situations and locating weaknesses which contributed to his status as a powerful hunter.

After he went maverick he became obsessed with power, control and ridding the world of all humans. He felt humans were holding reploids back from reaching their true potential. Though he would not hesitate to strike down anyone who interfered with him or his plans, even if they were allied with him.

He also revealed himself to be a master manipulator, able to push others into doing what he wanted. (Like when he pushed Repliforce into a conflict with the Hunters.)

History: Sigma was created as an advanced reploid that would resist going maverick. However after the battle with the virus infected Zero, Sigma ended up infected with the powerful virus that was present in Zero. (Zero was cured in the process though.)

For the next few months Sigma resisted the virus, but eventually it altered enough and was able to infect him. Once the virus had warped his mind, he began to plan his revolt.

Finally on June 4th (2119) he turned on the Hunters and took a large portion of their forces with him in the process. He was eventually stopped by X and Zero. But he wouldn't stay defeated for particularly long.

During the third conflict, Sigma revealed that he had undergone an alteration… that his true form was a computer virus and that destruction of his physical form was only a minor setback.

He was a large part of numerous conflicts, up until the late 22nd century (2175) when he was defeated on the moon. At this point he was thought to have been defeated permanently (because there were no more reploids around for him to infect).

Chaos Advent

Chaos Advent

Chaos Advent

However he wasn't entirely gone… The virus remained in his broken body. His body was deemed to dangerous to leave laying around so teams of Hunters were sent to recover it and seal it away permanently. They returned his body to Earth.

However it did not stay sealed away. Some of the virus was able to infect another reploid and Sigma was able to return afterall.

Attention Rookies:Zero

Attention Rookies:Zero

Attention Rookies:Zero

Attention Rookies 1

Attention Rookies 1

Attention Rookies 1

Sigma was the cause of the events that occurred here. His actions years prior were what lead X to become infected and to become the mastermind. Though Sigma himself was not an active player in this conflict.

Attention Rookies 2

Attention Rookies 2

Attention Rookies 2

After his 11th defeat at the hands of the Hunters, the maverick hunters decided to try burying his body in pieces in an unknown location. However, the location of his parts was discovered and maverick forces were able to retrieve them and rebuild their fallen leader.

Sigma later confronted the Maverick Hunters at the site where X had been sealed, after the events of AR1. His intention was to wake the sleeping X and battle him again. But the Hunters interfered and prevented him from waking or killing X.

Behind the Character