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In the Megaman X universe there are two unique types of vehicles, land chasers and robot rides.

Land Chasers

Land chasers are modeled after 21st century motorcycles… With the exception that they hover using powerful propulsion systems. Land chasers also tend to be extremely fast given that they have no friction from the ground. Though first time riders who are used to vehicles with wheels or contact to the ground will find this disconcerting and odd feeling. Because of this, all users interested in driving landchasers are given special lessons before being let loose on the roads. (Hunters are given mandatory landchaser training.)

Land chasers are commonly tuned down for civilian use compared to the military grade ones employed by the Maverick Hunters. Though there is a huge aftermarket part section that allows civilians to upgrade, tune and customize their 'chasers to their tastes. Mavericks also enjoy the benefits of souped up land chasers for quick getaways. Even the tuned down land chasers can still reach top speeds of 250 miles per hour with ease. (Hunter variants often go as high as 400 miles per hour.)

Unlike civilian 'chasers, Hunters ones come standard with weapon systems. Most commonly a buster system mounted underneath the front lift jet (like where the front wheel on a 21st century motorcycle would be.) Some Hunter-class models also feature a boost system that allows the user to accelerate (causing the front jet to lift and be able to be used for an offensive ability.)

Robot Rides

Robot rides are generally military specific heavy weapons. (Though some models like the Raiden 2 have been used for mining or construction purposes.) They are generally 10-15 feet tall depending on the individual model of ride armour. And all of the armors cover the pilot's body leaving only the head exposed, making it much harder to damage the driver.

Common models are: