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Approving Profiles

Here are several questions to ask before approving a character sheet to help determine whether or not you should approve that character. Not every section list here will apply to every game so adapt it to your needs as necessary. This list is also not a complete list, there may be more that could potentially be added. (Some may be highly specific for your game.)

Remember that whether you approve a profile or not is ultimately up to you. You can choose to approve one even if it has several issues mentioned here. The questions below are purely designed to help you think about the profile and whether it meets your standards.


Watch out for overuse of flowery “fluff” language like: “her azure locks flowed, pouring over her shoulders.” or if they repeatedly describe the character as extremely beautiful/handsome. These are generally warning signs that the player has some Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu traits. (While a few aren't an issue on their own, more than a few tends to be a cause for concern.)





Watch out for characters with extremely tragic histories. They can be additional warning signs for Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu traits. (Again, a few traits aren't an issue. But too many can be a problem.)