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Basic Info

Species: Reploid Gender: Female Image:

Height: 5'10 Weight: 152 Physical Appearance: Bears a striking resemblance to Zero. Her armor is black, save for her white cape and the fuchsia outline of her boots. Long blonde hair trails down her back, it parts at the ear where an antenna of sorts pokes through. Skin Color: White Eye Color: Blue

Agility: 14
Strength: 10
Defense: 8
Dexterity: 9
Skill Level: 3
Skill Limit: 1
Constitution: 1

Main Weapon: Pair of fuchsia colored energy sabers. Other weapons if any: N/A Hobbies & Talents: Fighting Weaknesses: N/A

Friends: Ultros Rivals: Jet, Ultros Enemies: Resistance Brats Known relatives: Zero, Ultros Favorite color(s): Red Back story: Recently created using the power of Zero's old black armor to serve as one of Neo Arcadia's new guardians. Moves/abilities: Unknown

Weapon level: Beam Swords - A
