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events:deadliestwarrior:deadliest_warrior_index [2013/06/16 13:44]
admin minor clarifications
events:deadliestwarrior:deadliest_warrior_index [2016/04/27 15:21] (current)
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 ==== Nomination ==== ==== Nomination ====
-Each person can nominate as many characters as they want (within reason). They can elect to fill out a short sheet explaining their nomination's powers/abilities/weapons if they want to designate the powers/weapons the fighter would have. Though it is not required of them. +Each person can nominate as many characters as they want (within reason). They can elect to fill out a short sheet explaining their nomination's powers/abilities/weapons if they want to designate the powers/weapons the fighter would have. (Though it is not required of them.) They then either PM their entry to [[http://endlessfight.net/index.php?showuser=1|me]] or post it in the designated topic on our [[http://endlessfight.net/index.php?showforum=38|forum]].
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   * [[events:deadliestwarrior:results_2011|Deadliest Warrior 2011]]   * [[events:deadliestwarrior:results_2011|Deadliest Warrior 2011]]
   * [[events:deadliestwarrior:results_2013|Deadliest Warrior 2013]]   * [[events:deadliestwarrior:results_2013|Deadliest Warrior 2013]]
 +  * [[events:deadliestwarrior:results_2014|Deadliest Warrior 2014]]