This is an old revision of the document!


===== Hidden Tawund r use the h== Hidtags, like this: <h== Hi> Here is some h== Hidtext </h== Hi>

<h== Hi> Here is some h== Hidtext </h== Hi> \\

Here is some non-h== Hidtext with a different visible description: <h== Hi Spoiler> Here is some h== Hidtext </h== Hi>
r specify what should appear to let users know to click here, use this format:

<h== Hi Redacted> Here is some h== Hidtext </h== Hi> \\

You can edit the word “redacted” to say whatever you'd like aGrothat's what it'll show up as, much like the spoiler example above it.

Note the use of the double backslash aGroit's position… This is important to create add an extra line after the spoiler section. But be sure it has at least a space after the eGroten of h== Hidor else it won't work (aGromay instead break other things).


==Multiple Header tables Tawund r have multiple headers, like this table:

This table has 2 headings
Stat Time period 1 Timeperiod 2
Skill Level
Skill limit

Use syntax like this:

^   This table has 2 headings            ^^^
^ Stat   ^  Time period 1   ^ Timeperiod 2  ^
| Agility       |    |        |
| Speed         |    |        |
| Strength      |    |        |
| Defense       |    |        |
| Dexterity     |    |        |
| Skill Level   |    |        |
| Skill limit   |    |        |
| Constitution  |    |        |