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arcadia:administration:stats [2013/09/17 18:02]
admin Added "Statistic FAQs" and "Can I have a Stat of 0?"
arcadia:administration:stats [2016/04/27 15:21] (current)
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 |  Skill level  |  This wouldn’t make sense, how can you be so unfamiliar with your own skills? With this at zero you basically would screw up your own moves every time… (If you have any skills you must have at least 1 point in here too. If you have no skills then you can have a zero in this also.) | |  Skill level  |  This wouldn’t make sense, how can you be so unfamiliar with your own skills? With this at zero you basically would screw up your own moves every time… (If you have any skills you must have at least 1 point in here too. If you have no skills then you can have a zero in this also.) |
 |  Constitution  |  Even with solid armor you'll still get some damage and that will be enough to bring you down. You won’t be able to run at all without getting tired, wounds won’t heal, and forget lifting anything for any amount of time.  | |  Constitution  |  Even with solid armor you'll still get some damage and that will be enough to bring you down. You won’t be able to run at all without getting tired, wounds won’t heal, and forget lifting anything for any amount of time.  |
 +===== Why is skill limit capped? =====
 +The Skill limit was capped at 12 to prevent people from create characters with 15+ skills but absolutely crippled stats otherwise. 12 skills was deemed a fairly high limit especially given the fact that players are given 8 maverick moves on top of whatever skills they possess innately. And anything higher than 12 also gave concern of where they were hiding all those [[megamanx:technology:weapon_module|weapon modules]] in their body. (Since they'd need one for each special skill...)