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arcadia:arcadia_chronicles [2012/04/16 15:07]
admin [The Individual stories]
arcadia:arcadia_chronicles [2016/04/27 15:19] (current)
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 ====== Arcadia Chronicles ====== ====== Arcadia Chronicles ======
-This is a series of stories based in the [[MegaManX:Universe|Megaman X universe]] that begin in the year 22XX (Just after the end of the game Megaman X8) and contMe upin to 2322XXf the MegamaZero a seri).  +This is a series of stories based in the [[MegaManX:Universe|Megaman X universe]] that begin in the year 22XX (Just after the end of the game Megaman X8) and continue up into 23XX (the Megaman Zero series). 
-== +
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-Th sty8d of thManivick Wyei. Fovisn exact lTh 8d odates,ia ein the a Arcad:timeline|timeline]].+
 +This series spans over a hundred years of history and chronicles many important moments in the history of the Maverick Wars. For an exact list of dates, see the [[arcadia:timeline|timeline]].
 +===== The Individual stories =====
 +Here you will find links to each individual story's pages.
 +  * [[attention_rookies_zero|Attention Rookies: Zero]]
 +  * [[Attention Rookies|Attention Rookies]]
 +  * [[Attention Rookies 2|Attention Rookies 2]]
 +  * [[Chaos Advent|Chaos Advent]]
 +  * [[Destiny in Arms|Destiny in Arms]]
 +  * [[arcadia_mmz:arcadia|Arcadia]]
 +===== Personnel Files =====
 +Here is a list of all personnel that have been employed by the Hunters.
 +[[arcadia:character database|Personnel Files]]
 +===== The Maverick Database =====
 +Greetings Hunters, \\
 +This database houses data on mavericks that we have encountered. To narrow your search, choose the type of maverick you're looking for. 
 + - Hunter HQ.
 +^  Type of Query  ^^
 +|  [[Maverick Database|Mavericks - By Incident]]  |   These are maverick incidents that were associated with larger events or uprisings (EX- "Attention Rookies 1" mavericks )  |
 +|  [[Maverick Database - unaffiliated| Mavericks - No affiliation]]  |  These are mavericks who are not affiliated with larger events or have a personal vendetta against a Hunter (Player created mavericks)  |
 +====== Behind the Scenes ======
 +The section contains the rules, regulations and all important behind the scenes details that helps to make running this game possible. 
 +  * [[arcadia:administration:rules|Series rules]].
 +  * [[arcadia:administration:stats|All about stats]].
 +  * [[arcadia:administration:faq|Frequently Asked Questions]].