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arcadia:attention_rookies [2012/11/04 22:40] external edit
arcadia:attention_rookies [2016/04/27 15:19] (current)
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   - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter2|Chapter 2]] - Those Mean Streets ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:bombardier_panthieron|Bombadier Panthieron]])   - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter2|Chapter 2]] - Those Mean Streets ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:bombardier_panthieron|Bombadier Panthieron]])
   - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter3|Chapter 3]] - Nature Walks ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:solarion_vineyard|Solarion Vineyard]])   - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter3|Chapter 3]] - Nature Walks ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:solarion_vineyard|Solarion Vineyard]])
-  - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter4|Chapter 4]] - Arabian Afternoons([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:terra_groundhog|Terra Groundhog]])+  - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter4|Chapter 4]] - Arabian Afternoons ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:terra_groundhog|Terra Groundhog]])
   - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter5|Chapter 5]] - Frozen Wasteland ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:tundra_fox|Tundra Fox]])   - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter5|Chapter 5]] - Frozen Wasteland ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:tundra_fox|Tundra Fox]])
   - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter6|Chapter 6]] - Tricks and Traps ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:pyro_cerebrus|Pyro Cerebrus]])   - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter6|Chapter 6]] - Tricks and Traps ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:pyro_cerebrus|Pyro Cerebrus]])
-  - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter7|Chapter 7]] - Flying High([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:titanium_tortoise|Titanium Tortoise]]) +  - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter7|Chapter 7]] - Flying High ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:titanium_tortoise|Titanium Tortoise]]) 
-  - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter8|Chapter 8]] - Burning Rubber([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:race_raccoon|Race Raccoon]])+  - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter8|Chapter 8]] - Burning Rubber ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:race_raccoon|Race Raccoon]])
   - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter9|Chapter 9]] - Zero's fight ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:spread_sphinx|Spread Sphinx]])   - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter9|Chapter 9]] - Zero's fight ([[arcadia:mavericks:ar1:spread_sphinx|Spread Sphinx]])
   - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter10|Chapter 10]] - It all comes Crashing down (Final Mission)   - [[arcadia:history:ar1:ar1_chapter10|Chapter 10]] - It all comes Crashing down (Final Mission)
 +<hidden Short version of the plot>
 +  - During an assault on Hunter HQ, a new virus pops up... one that increases the maverick's power but turns maverick's vital fluid blue. Samples are taken.
 +  - A maverick (Bombardier Panthieron) is stomping around a city causing destruction, the hunters are split into 2 teams, one to take out the maverick.
 +  - The other team sets out to investigate a strange energy signature in the jungle (Solarion Vineyard). Both mavericks are killed.
 +  - A maverick encampment is located in the desert, the hunters are dispatched to locate it. They uncover a mobile facility that the mavericks are using lead by Terra Groundhog.
 +  - The hunters head to the Canadian Tundra to investigate rumours of a bio-weapon. The rumours are false, but they do encounter Tundra Fox who uses an upgraded version of the virus the hunters recovered earlier... with devastating results to the hunters and himself.
 +  - The hunters respond to a triple pronged maverick assault on the Hunter base. The attack turns out to be a rouse to split up the Hunter forces. Signas activates the Helios space laser to cut the enemy forces apart. The weapon's power is immense, destroying most of the enemy ships and taking out most of the hunter base in the process (along with Signas). X teleports in just in time and uses all his power to hold the Helios laser off to give everyone time to escape. X is killed in the process. Pyro Cerbrus appears to capitalize on the disaster. The hunters end up taking out Pyro Cerbrus' ship
 +  - In the aftermath of Signas's death, Zero becomes the new Commander. Alia detects a floating battleship. Zero decides to sent a team to ambush it and exact a measure of justice against the mavericks. The hunters encounter Titanium Tortoise who takes the ship into space, they kill him which causes the ship to plummet to the ground. Zero orders the Enigma Cannon to be used. The hunters warp out just before the shot hits and destroys the ship.
 +  - The mavericks use one of their former weapon manufacturing facilities as a trap for the hunters. But the Hunters battle Race Raccoon, but he is killed when a strange black aircraft appears overhead and fires a shot at him. The hunters escape before the base explodes. 
 +  - Spread Sphinx challenges Zero to a one on one duel. Zero accepts. The fight occurs in the remains of Hunter HQ's training room. The fight ends with Zero carving Spread Sphinx in half... but her final attack explodes, taking Zero out. All that remains of Zero was his saber.
 +  - The strange black craft appears over top of Hunter HQ with a message for the hunters. A team of hunters board the craft and discover the identity of the villian... X!?! And Zero? The hunters do battle with their allies. 
 +  - After defeating X it is revealed that Sigma had managed to infect X with a new virus, it took years to work though. X later recruited Zero by using a modified version of the same virus. But having been defeated, the virus was sent into remission when X shut down. Similarly, Zero was developing an immunity to it, so when he was knocked out he became immune to it on his own.
 +  - Mother elf is created (Weil assists with the creation), it then begins the purification process in X. X wakes up. Because he was the base for all reploids, he is the only one who can use the Mother Elf to start the purge of the maverick virus. After he begins the purge, he goes to sleep to finish his own purge.
 ===== Characters ===== ===== Characters =====
-  * [[arcadia:characters:reaver|Reaver]] + 
-  * [[arcadia:characters:flare|Flare]] +{{section>arcadia:character_database#attention_rookies&noheader&nofooter}}
-  * [[arcadia:characters:jet|Jet]] +
-  * [[arcadia:characters:tank|Tank]] (Only appeared, didn't have a profile and wasn't used.) +
-  * [[arcadia:characters:flash|Flash]] +
-  * [[arcadia:characters:lixi|Lixi]] +
-  * +
 ====== Behind the Scenes ====== ====== Behind the Scenes ======