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netacad:characters:list [2013/04/07 01:49]
sq5 [Player Characters]
netacad:characters:list [2016/04/27 15:21] (current)
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 ===Teachers=== ===Teachers===
   * **Ken Hadou**: Otherwise known as Mr.Hadou, a Physical Education teacher hired for Netbattle Academy. He has a rather serious attitude, and talks about having guts and courage and willpower to get through even the toughest of tasks. His NetNavi is MagmaDragoon.EXE.   * **Ken Hadou**: Otherwise known as Mr.Hadou, a Physical Education teacher hired for Netbattle Academy. He has a rather serious attitude, and talks about having guts and courage and willpower to get through even the toughest of tasks. His NetNavi is MagmaDragoon.EXE.
 +  * **Mr. Yags**: He has a clerk running the branch of Higsby's when he's teaching class, otherwise he tends to the store once school is out. He teaches math. His NetNavi is a portable Numberman model affectionately named Numberkid.