Table of Contents


Basic Info

Basic Info
Name: Gyro
Species: Reploid - Old Generation
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6”
Weight: 270lbs
IQ: 110
DOB: October 14th
Birth Place: Hunter HQ
Residence: Hunter HQ
Occupation: Hunter

Normal Form

Normal Appearance

Skin Color: White
Eye Color: can't see, has glasses, but there emerald green
Hair Style: kinda spiked back, brown hair.
Other features: has glasses
Armor description: vary little except for on his legs arms and shoulders
Armor colors: Green and white

Capabilities (Stats)

Agility: 4
Speed: 7
Strength: 7
Defense: 4
Dexterity: 8
Skill Level: 5
Skill Limit: 2
Constitution: 5
Total 42

Weaknesses: Anything that is distracting.

Weapons/Special Attacks

Weapons: Built in Gyro's arm there is a bow. (Buster type weapon) Each end pops up. And a plasma string is made. The balls are fired as ammo.


Special Attacks:

  1. Gyro's ten balls can create a form of solid connection between them, it can be with only two, or all ten. Either way thay can be used to ride on, make solid weapons, and other things.
  2. Gyro has a telekinetic connection to the ten balls that he carries in his back.

Chosen Maverick Moves


Hypermode Appearance

Skin Color: same
Eye Color: same
Hair Style: Helmet is removed and his hair forms in a long brown style wear the bangs are cut and the rest is down to his mid-back.
Other features: Glasses are removed.
Armor description: Nothing much changes, the white becomes limegreen, and sixmore balls are revieled from his arms.
Armor colors: Dark green, limegreen.

Hypermode Abilities

Head: Helmet disappears, but the telepathic range is extended.

Arms: part of the armor opens up to unveil 6 more balls

Body: Allows the balls to be able to fuse together, making them twice as big.

Legs: allow Gyro to fly

Hypermode ultimate move: Super Sixteen Sweep: All of the balls are placed in the bow, there's a slot for each one now along it. Gyro fires it off so that a barrage of sixteen shots are shot at the given target.


Personality: He is optimistic, and very curious. Whenever he meets someone he trys to learn all about them.

History: Gyro was build for the simple purpose to go retreve fallen reploids on missions. His brother was dismissed as MIA in a pervious mission, no one has informed Gyro of this yet though. Now he has been summoned to do another task.

Behind the Character

Gyro was killed during a mission. (After the defeat of Soar Squirrel, he was ordered to return to the area and recover some unique tech he had lost there. But he encountered mavericks and was overwhelmed. The tech had since fallen into the black market. )