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Attention Rookies


Attention Rookies - Plot

  1. Chapter 1 - Every Story has a Beginning (Intro Mission)
  2. Chapter 2 - Those Mean Streets (Bombadier Panthieron)
  3. Chapter 3 - Nature Walks (Solarion Vineyard)
  4. Chapter 4 - Arabian Afternoons(Terra Groundhog)
  5. Chapter 5 - Frozen Wasteland (Tundra Fox)
  6. Chapter 6 - Tricks and Traps (Pyro Cerebrus)
  7. Chapter 7 - Flying High(Titanium Tortoise)
  8. Chapter 8 - Burning Rubber(Race Raccoon)
  9. Chapter 9 - Zero's fight (Spread Sphinx)
  10. Chapter 10 - It all comes Crashing down (Final Mission)


  • Reaver
  • Flare
  • Jet
  • Tank
  • Flash
  • Lixi

Behind the Scenes

Attention Rookies was the first roleplay created.

<hidden WARNING - Spoilers within>It was created to answer a question that I had been thinking about… What if X became a maverick? How would he act? What would he do? I envisioned that he would pretend that Sigma had returned again. Then he would manipulate everyone into thinking that he was dead so he could move to the shadows to complete the work on a new form of the maverick virus. Something that would act like a steroidmavenFon 9crl compm addir a ownse Mngth shadowbthiformHunlik' - Triforir Hypermodeick(Bt ius comis is svirus. Somethind thamZero'tryng aSo it'hat lp keepiformc ===denew himhat. Sobae mup.)d ag addir a ownbd tfitnew hiat heth ng thabeomethiformHunlik' -morale ng thabeobrokgaiwhNG ifory griipud- Triforir stecon Rg thabeoweakgaud-(sinccon. Then n'kinacould e would po- Zero'sterompm). </ted.

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