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Character's Name

Basic Info

Basic Info
Name: Zanjitsu
Nicknames: Zan
Species: Reploid
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7
Weight: 124lbs
IQ: 104
DOB: Unrecorded
Birth Place: Neo Arcadia
Residence: Currently Resistance Base
Occupation: Field Combatant

Normal Form

Normal Appearance

Capabilities (Stats)

Agility: 11
Strength: 9
Defense: 3
Dexterity: 8
Skill Level: 6
Skill Limit: 4
Constitution: 7

Weapons/Special Attacks


  1. Pitch Black Saber: A unique saber that has a pitch black blade.
  2. Shortsaber: Using the design of the main saber, the shorter version was made.

Items: N/A Special Attacks:

  1. Sever Blast: A simple blade beam. Can be used with smaller blades as well.
  2. Blade Storm: Overdrive the blade arm and slash all around the user with immense and blinding speed. He may move while using this move, and it can be sustained. Prolonged usage will cause his arm to overheat however.
  3. Mist Cutter: A slash so fine it will go through armor. It affects one area in a horizontal or vertical line should he choose, and has a delay of around 1.5-2 seconds before it happens. The move is capable of attacking internal parts, bypassing armor.
  4. Deception: Create two clones and advance. They are almost identical to the user, they are not solid, and they will phase through objects. They are an excellent means for running away, advancing or buying time.

Gained Moves

  1. Ground Control - The user gains limited control of the sand on the ground (providing there is sand on the ground) and can form it into shields or other helpful shapes.




Behind the Character
