
Basic Info

Basic Info
Name: Alexis Monsoon
Nicknames: Chip, Lexus
Species: Old Gen Reploid
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4
Weight: 190lbs
IQ: 99
DOB: Dec 26
Birth Place:
Residence: Submarine Merc HQ
Occupation: Mercenary

Normal Form

White skin, brown eyes, brown hair tied back into a ponytail for combat ops. Wears normal combat armor colored white and green, with blue gemstones on top of her wrists and in the center of her helmet. The helmet is the most peculiar feature, although it has a standard round shape and visor, it is also see through, allowing one to view the chips and wires and the hair beneath it all. Will emit lights when complex processing is going on. It is unknown whether the helmet was just never completed or if it were damaged and the paint scraped away.

Capabilities (Stats)

Agility: 6
Strength: 4
Defense: 5
Dexterity: 8
Skill Level: 5
Skill Limit: 5
Constitution: 6

Weapons/Special Attacks

Weapons: Standard buster Items: Medical supplies including scalpel and emergency energy injections. Special Attacks:

  1. Medic on Call - Chip's helmet keeps track of the position of all teammates within the operation area and can teleport to their side immediately to render assistance.
  2. Monitor and Overclock - Chip has access to the system diagnostics of her allies and actively uses them to isolate damaged areas and remotely repair issues before they grow serious. Can also give allies an adrenaline boost remotely.
  3. Energy Distribution - Can reroute energy from her own systems to remotely heal allies from short distances. She can also act as a conduit, siphoning energy from a willing ally, and applying this power to another wounded friend. Can also drain energy from an enemy, but only after they've been weakened, stunned or rendered otherwise vulnerable.
  4. Energy Shield - This shield is built into her armor and protects against most projectile attacks. Sustained damage will shatter the shield, but it automatically regenerates over time. Essential for a battlefield medic who might get hit from a stray round while patching up an ally.
  5. Identify Weakness - Chip's helmet allows her to scan for weakness, in both allies and enemies. This makes her job as team medic easier, while also putting her in a position to coordinate her teammate's attacks, informing them of any weaknesses or points they might exploit to most effectively cripple an enemy.


Personality: Depending on the day (or who she is talking to) you might find her a cheerful, team oriented helper. Or you might find her cold and closed off, particularly if she's getting hit on by her male colleagues or questioned about her past.

History: Chip's past is something of a mystery, and neither she nor Sub are willing to talk about it. Based off of her name alone, some of the other mercenaries (Lunchbox) have decided that she must have been a stripper. As such, he'll call her Lexus as much as possible to get on her nerves, and hopefully get to the truth. Although she prefers to be referred to as Chip, she has allowed Ganye to call her Lexus, albeit in a more respectful manner than Lunchbox. Chip likely refers to her damaged helmet, or possibly to her missing front tooth (further evidence that she was once a prostitute according to Lunchbox).

Whatever her history, Chip is now the team medic and battle tactician, as her position away from the front lines gives her the opportunity to see the bigger picture and best direct the efforts of her teammates. After Ganye, she is Sub's second choice as XO.

Behind the Character
