Shadow-Dirge Soenhime

Basic Info

Basic Info
Name: Shadow-Dirge Soenhime
Species: Reploid - Old Generation
Gender: Male
Height: 8'5”
Weight: 336lbs
IQ: 100
DOB: Jan 1st
Birth Place: Reploid mass production plant.
Residence: Nomadic.
Occupation: Freelancing Mercenary/Thief/Soldier


Skin Color: tan.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Style: Bright blue hair tied up from the top of his head. The red tie band goes up for five inches before releasing to a thin stream of hair that falls to his heels.

Armor description
Head – A gold headpiece with ornate black lines. Comprised of a band that encircles the head, with three spikes jutting from the forehead part: one centered, and one on each flank, the side spikes rising diagonally. Frames brace each side of Soenhime's face, contouring the chin, and becoming one. The circlet briefly becomes wide enough to cover where his ears would be, and house typical reploid ear pieces. A green oval gem–made of rare polished stone– rests on the forehead. The stem of a feather rests inside, while the feather itself juts out from the top. It ranges from blue plumage at the base, to green, gold, then black.

Chest/torso – Rather bulky armor fitted with four thrusters on his back. The armor is gold on the pauldrons, abdominal, and pectoral areas, while red velvet covers everything else. The armor contours into the design of a fit man, though a wide dark red bandolier covers most of the design. The back is all black; two omni-direction thrusters on the shoulder blades, two on the lower back. Each appearing as bulbs with exhaust pipes. A long scarlet scarf wraps loosely around his neck, leaving bunches around his shoulders, slightly down his chest, and some high enough to cover his mouth. A good length of it hangs down his back as well.

Arms – A black jumpsuit is shown while typical-styled gold gauntlets end the arms.

Legs – Typical-styled gold boots with a reflective thin red line curving up the sides. One omni-thruster rests on heel of each leg. black jumpsuit is shown.

Capabilities (Stats)

Agility: *
Speed: 7
Strength: 10
Defense: 11
Dexterity: 13
Skill Level: 10
Skill Limit: 4
Constitution: 5

* Agility was not used in Attention Rookies: Zero, it was instead folded into Speed.

Weapons/Special Attacks

Weapons: Beam Lance: A red-beamed energy lance that reaches eight feet in length, while the handle is 2-1/2 feet. Without a shield to compliment it, it is merely a clumsy long sword.

Bolt Buster: A buster cannon that, in function, models after a heavy machine gun. It has a slow start, overheats, and cannot charge. It fires powerful energy rounds, however.

Items: Kinetic Shield: A large round shield(a targe) of steel-grey coloring. The open side features trenched lines engraving it in a radial pattern. The shield is capable of collecting kinetic force from impacts and transform it into energy for Soenhime's attacks.

Special Attacks:

  1. Husk Shot - Buster - An exponentially larger shot is fired from the buster. The shot itself can cause lots of damage but it is meant to travel a certain distance and explode into a myriad of energy pellets to batter multiple foes using kinetic energy stored in the bigger first shot.
  2. Drill Beam - Saber - Using accumilated kinetic energy, the user tosses their weapon into a javelin throw position, and hurls it at the foe. The weapon becomes the head of a beam that pierces and twists like a drill.
  3. Counter Shock - Knuckle - The user catches the brunt of an attack with the palm of their hands, and returns with an explosion of the same force of the kinetic energy, via punch, as the foe's attack. All this, provided the hand wasn't destroyed.
  4. Overdrive - Kinetic energy gathers within Soenhime, allowing him to charge at his foes with unrivaled velocity as a field of energy envelopes him.


Special abilities or talents: Has command of an army:

  • Rezner Reploids: No better than a standard buster-equipped Reploid.
  • Hellshadow Ops Reploids: Alot more formidable than typical reploids, they use sabers, busters, ride armor, or any specialized weaponry.

Weaknesses: Prolonged battle is something he cannot do.

Personality: Soenhime completely contrasts the title given to him. Soenhime is often a cool level-headed being with a sense of humor, sarcasm being his biggest main tool of destruction. He's not very prone to fighting, but will defend himself. Soenhime claims free reign over the planet and all it has to offer, which leads to him ignoring boundaries of locations, personal belongings, and the like that would otherwise be restricted. One would much sooner claim him to be a misguided fool than an evil menace, but few have seen the cleverness that belies his ignorance. Soenhime will do whatever he can to prevent killing, as he finds the loss of a person gravely disheartening.

History: Soenhime was originally created as a massed produced reploid janitor with the name of Mortimer. He worked contently in one of the many corperate buildings. One day, he had accidentally impaled a reploid running for his life, and was then on regarded as a hero for stopping the dangerous thief from making off with valuable secrets. Apparantly seeing potential in him, the hunters adopted him into their ranks where Mortimer learned the ways of the lance. and other combat skills.

Mortimer's name was never revealed to anyone, as he never had the chance to express it. Hunters typically ignored his presence. All, but one. Mortimer became close friends with a reploid that, soon after, became a maverick. Mortimer reluctantly dispatched him and upon request of his name, Mortimer aimed to say “So in hindsight, I guess I was dumb to believe someone would befriend me.” Instead, the maverick cut him off and screamed “SOENHIIIIIIIME!!!”, believing that to be his name, before exploding. Reiforcements came in time for the maverick's destruction, and “Soenhime” was regarded a top-notch hunter.

Soenhime eventually became complacent, choosing which missions to tend to and when for himself, along with ordering fellow hunters as well as superiors around. He was expelled from the hunter force when he was caught stealing the rare gem that rests on his forehead today. He was to be branded a maverick for that along with resisting arrest, but Soenhime was observed helping all that he could when Sigma crashed Eurasia into the planet. He continued helping until order was restored, in which he disappeared.

Myths and legends arose every now and then about some powerful being losing to Soenhim or some precious valuable item being stolen by his hands, resulting in the moniker that follows his name today. Now his appearance has been confirmed on a newly- discovered artificial island by a Hunter recon team shortly before being captured and dispatched. Intel suggests that his already-superb combat skills were upgraded with new arm, and that he and Dr. Reyzner are amassing an army for reasons unknown.

Behind the Maverick

Availability: Open
Killable: Yes
Party size: Depending on actions taken, this battle may take place on two fronts: The island and near Hunter HQ. At least 4 for the island, much more if a battle commences near the base.
