Maverick's Name

Spiff Zoren

Basic Info

Basic Info
Name: Spiff Zoren
Species: Reploid - New Generation
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8
Weight: 200lbs
IQ: 102
DOB: Withing the last 5 years
Birth Place: Geothermal Research Lab
Residence: Geothermal Plant or The Dungeon
Occupation: Worker at a geothermal power plant by day, maverick recruiter by night


White skin, brown eyes, spiky black hair with red patches in the center. Usually wears dark glasses and studded ear piercings along with his blue suit, hat, black pants and purple tie.

Capabilities (Stats)

Agility: 6
Speed: 6
Strength: 5
Defense: 6
Dexterity: 7
Skill Level: 8
Skill Limit: 5
Constitution: 8

Weapons/Special Attacks

Weapons: Zorcher Ray - a large handgun that fires blasts of varying size and intensity. Also knuckle weapons.

Items: A lighter and some cigarettes

Special Attacks:

  1. Buster - Medium Well - an incendiary blast which explodes on contact, extremely difficult to block.
  2. Saber - Molten Beam - attacks with a molten saber, how enough to melt some armor types.
  3. Knuckle - Demise Bombs - channel explosive power in one's hand and hurl it. More damage the longer it is charged, but the power becomes harder to control, increasing the risk of blowing oneself up.
  4. Too hot to touch - Spiff's hands are too hot for most reploids to handle, making hand to hand combat difficult. Can melt most known metals through prolonged exposure.
  5. Overdrive - Heat Stroke - A powerful strike/shot which overheats the systems of most reploids, causing delusions, slowing or outright shut downs.


Personality: Spiff Zoren is a shady character, known to be somewhat greedy. He thinks his job at the plant is beneath him, only really keeping it as a cover for his recruiter work. He acts like a big shot when out on the town, acting out in ways he wishes he could during the day time.

History: Zoren was built specifically for working in hot environments, such as the geothermal plant. Over the years he has grown bored with his work and joined the mavericks to be part of something greater. Most nights he can be found at The Dungeon trying to recruit others to the maverick cause.

Behind the Maverick

Spiff Zoren gains his name and primary weapon from Spaceman Spiff, one of Calvin's many alter-egos in Calvin and Hobbes. As for his job and personality, they came from a period in my life where I worked a thankless job but liked to go out and drink, smoke and gamble every once in awhile to take my mind off of it, it was sort of a double life for a brief time. As far as plot significance, Spiff Zoren is a generic nobody who was created to play a specific part in Attention Rookies: Zero.
