Trap Scorpion

Basic Info

Basic Info
Name: Trap Scorpion
Species: Reploid - Old generation
Gender: Male
Height: 5'
Weight: 240lbs
IQ: 180
DOB: August 9th
Birth Place: Black Hound
Residence: Nomadic
Occupation: Trap Specialist


Skin Color: Brown
Eye Color: Yellow eyes
Hair Style: Doesn’t have any hair
Other features: He's a very humanoid Scorpion.

Armor description
Head – Scorpion like head face is covered by a face mask revealing only the eyes.

Chest/torso – Standard ceratanium body type imaged after the colorings of a Scorpion underbelly.

Arms – Has six arms which are tan in color

Legs – Brown legs that seen to be your standard run of the mill reploid legs

Capabilities (Stats)

Agility: *
Speed: 7
Strength: 5
Defense: 4
Dexterity: 10
Skill Level: 8
Skill Limit: 5
Constitution: 5

* Agility wasn't used in Attention Rookies: Zero, it was folded into Speed.

Weapons/Special Attacks

Weapons: Scorpion Buster: A multipurpose buster attached to his back and functions as a tail primarily. It can extend pretty far above groud at about 30ft at most.


Special Attacks:

  1. Scorpion Burrow – Knuckle - Allows the unit to disappear into the ground by digging and coming up when necessary. This is primarily an evasion skill based around the speed stat. Can come up the ground for a surprise attack.
  2. Scorpion Sting – Buster – A nanite ejection blast capable of slowing and opponent by 2 each time also a weak damage attack. In Trap Scorpion’s case he is able to use this attack by bringing up his tail out of the ground and can fire it just about anywhere above or below.
  3. Scorpion Driller – Saber – A strong stab attack with a high pierce damage rate capable of ignoring an opponent’s defense stat by two. In Trap Scorpion’s case he’s able to use this underground or about as a trust attack with his tail.
  4. Scorpion Mine – It is actually a mobile bomb that can function as a landmine if the user so chooses it to be. In Trap Scorpion’s case he can leave these underground to explode as soon as the sensor detects movement above or he can remotely control them for a short time by guiding the mines.
  5. Scorpion Assault - Overdrive – Trap Scorpion will go underground and will dig under a single opponent and pop to capture his opponent and simply beat the living tar out of them this attack is primarily based on the speed stat. The higher your characters speed the less likely this attack will make its mark.


Special abilities or talents: Has a vibration sensor in his hands and legs giving the ability to sense motion from underground. Also has a small vibration generator in his legs and buster allowing him to dig underground and move earth without so much as a cave in or simply being detected.

Weaknesses: He has a major disadvantage against opponents who can fly and is forced to guess. He is primarily weak against ice or attacks that flood his digging forcing him to be above ground.

Personality: Has a very survivalist personality and is quite calm even when his traps fail

History:Originally a unit built for dessert combat and or jungle combat. His design is based on the scorpion for its ability to survive in harsh climates that are hot or unbearable for humans to survive on. At some point he malfunctioned and took hunting other reploids as prey. It is known that he has a habit of making trophies out of his prey not only to scare, but as a way to create bait for any other thing he should hunt. His favorite pray are hunters with skill levels of the A or S ranked which is why not many A ranked survive and very rare does he get an S ranked hunter. In his original occupation this mutosreploid was also a pilot capable of running mechanaloids, ride armor a plenty.

Behind the Maverick

Theme song is MegaMan Starforce 3 Wave Boss Battle

Availability: Open
Killable: yes
Party size: 2-4
