Table of Contents
Types of Words
There are several different types of words that do different things in a sentence. This page will attempt to list these various types of words and explain what they are, what they do and how to use them.
Nouns are fairly simple, they are:
- People's names (like “Zatanna” )
- Location names (like “Gotham City”)
- Group names (Like “Justice League”)
Nouns always begin with a capital (because they are usually names). They are typically either the actor (like: “Superman used heat vision”) or the thing being acted on (Like: “Superman was hit by the missile”).
Nouns also tend to be one of the first or second words in a sentence. (Like noted in the examples above with Superman.)
Verbs are the action words. Things that people do, like:
- Run
- Jump
- Throw
- Play
- Stand
Verbs typically are not capitalized when used in a sentence.
Though verbs are primarily what determines what tense is being used.
Pronouns are words like:
- I (or myself)
- You (or yourself)
- It
- He (or him)
- She (or her)
- They
- Them
- We
that are used in the place of nouns. They are typically only used after the noun has been established (so this way when they say “She” people know who “She” is.)
For example: Wonder Woman deflected the bullet, her training and natural speed let her easily render it pointless. (The “Her” refers to Wonder Woman, and the “it” refers to the bullet.)
Pronouns are only capitalized if they are the first word in the sentence.
Adjectives are used to give more information about nouns. For example in this sentence: “Flash is extremely fast”
It tells us more information about Flash.
Word | Purpose |
Flash | Noun |
is | Verb |
extremely fast | Adjective |
Adjectives are typically used closely around the noun, though they are not normally capitalized.
Prepositions are words that help give location/distance or time in a sentence. Words like:
- Under
- Over
- In
- Atop
- Beneath
- Behind
- Before
- After
- For
- With
These words come right before what they're going to be helping show the position of. So for example: Hawkgirl flew over the water.
Here we see “over” telling us where Hawkgirl flew.
Like Adjectives, Adverbs modify other words… though adverbs modify the verbs. They give more information about the verb itself. They often answer questions like: Who, what, where, why, when or how.
So in this example: Batman threw his batarang quickly. The adverb “quickly” tells us how fast the action occurred.
Adverbs typically are not capitalized. And their placement in the sentence can vary drastically. They don't necessarily need to be close by the verb they're modifying. (Like in this example, the adverb is actually at the end of the sentence while the verb is the second word.)
Conjunctions are words that are used to combine sentences… Words like:
Word | Example |
For | Superman fought against Doomsday, for Doomsday wanted to kill everything. |
And | Aquaman swam to Atlantis, and right behind him Aqualad followed suit. |
Nor | Blue Beetle wasn't ready to fight yet, nor was his opponent. |
But | Batman walked through the batcave, but Alfred didn't move. |
Or | Green Lantern or Green Arrow. |
Yet | Wonder Woman was prepared to kill Granny Goodness, yet Big Barda refused to let a murder happen on her watch. |
So | Martian Manhunter shifted density so his opponent's fist passed harmlessly though. |
As a sub-category there is also comparatives, these are used to put equal weight on two sentences.
Comparative | Example |
either…or | Either Batman or Superman. |
not only…but (also) | Not only is Superman fast, but Flash is too. |
neither…nor (or increasingly neither…or) | Neither Lex Luthor, nor Metallo could stop Superman. |
both…and | Both Green Lantern and Supergirl joined the Justice League. |
whether…or | Whether Batman or Nightwing is better is hard to say. |
just as…so | Just as Martian Manhunter teleported, so did Hawkman. |
For more info
See the wikipedia pages on these types of words: